
第95章 Chapter 34(1)

The Yankee and the King Sold as Slaves WELL,what had I better do?Nothing in a hurry,sure.I must get up a diversion;anything to employ me while I could think,and while these poor fellows could have a chance to come to life again.There sat Marco,petrified in the act of trying to get the hang of his miller-gun --turned to stone,just in the attitude he was in when my pile-driver fell,the toy still gripped in his unconscious fingers.So I took it from him and proposed to explain its mystery.Mystery!a simple little thing like that;and yet it was mysterious enough,for that race and that age.

I never saw such an awkward people,with machinery;you see,they were totally unused to it.The miller-gun was a little double-barreled tube of toughened glass,with a neat little trick of a spring to it,which upon pressure would let a shot escape.But the shot wouldn't hurt anybody,it would only drop into your hand.In the gun were two sizes --wee mustardseed shot,and another sort that were several times larger.They were money.

The mustard-seed shot represented milrays,the larger ones mills.So the gun was a purse;and very handy,too;you could pay out money in the dark with it,with accuracy;and you could carry it in your mouth;or in your vest pocket,if you had one.I made them of several sizes --one size so large that it would carry the equivalent of a dollar.Using shot for money was a good thing for the government;the metal cost nothing,and the money couldn't be counterfeited,for I was the only person in the kingdom who knew how to manage a shot tower."Paying the shot"soon came to be a common phrase.Yes,and I knew it would still be passing men's lips,away down in the nineteenth century,yet none would suspect how and when it originated.

The king joined us,about this time,mightily refreshed by his nap,and feeling good.Anything could make me nervous now,I was so uneasy --for our lives were in danger;and so it worried me to detect a complacent something in the king's eye which seemed to indicate that he had been loading himself up for a performance of some kind or other;confound it,why must he go and choose such a time as this?

I was right.He began,straight off,in the most innocently artful,and transparent,and lubberly way,to lead up to the subject of agriculture.

The cold sweat broke out all over me.I wanted to whisper in his ear,"Man,we are in awful danger!every moment is worth a principality till we get back these men's confidence;DON'T waste any of this golden time."But of course I couldn't do it.Whisper to him?It would look as if we were conspiring.So I had to sit there and look calm and pleasant while the king stood over that dynamite mine and mooned along about his damned onions and things.At first the tumult of my own thoughts,summoned by the danger-signal and swarming to the rescue from every quarter of my skull,kept up such a hurrah and confusion and fifing and drumming that I couldn't take in a word;but presently when my mob of gathering plans began to crystallize and fall into position and form line of battle,a sort of order and quiet ensued and I caught the boom of the king's batteries,as if out of remote distance:

"--were not the best way,methinks,albeit it is not to be denied that authorities differ as concerning this point,some contending that the onion is but an unwholesome berry when stricken early from the tree --"The audience showed signs of life,and sought each other's eyes in a surprised and troubled way.

"--whileas others do yet maintain,with much show of reason,that this is not of necessity the case,instancing that plums and other like cereals do be always dug in the unripe state --"The audience exhibited distinct distress;yes,and also fear.

"--yet are they clearly wholesome,the more especially when one doth assuage the asperities of their nature by admixture of the tranquilizing juice of the wayward cabbage --"The wild light of terror began to glow in these men's eyes,and one of them muttered,"These be errors,every one --God hath surely smitten the mind of this farmer."I was in miserable apprehension;I sat upon thorns.

"--and further instancing the known truth that in the case of animals,the young,which may be called the green fruit of the creature,is the better,all confessing that when a goat is ripe,his fur doth heat and sore engame his flesh,the which defect,taken in connection with his several rancid habits,and fulsome appetites,and godless attitudes of mind,and bilious quality of morals --"They rose and went for him!With a fierce shout,"The one would betray us,the other is mad!Kill them!Kill them!"they flung themselves upon us.What joy flamed up in the king's eye!He might be lame in agriculture,but this kind of thing was just in his line.He had been fasting long,he was hungry for a fight.He hit the blacksmith a crack under the jaw that lifted him clear off his feet and stretched him flat on his back.

"St.George for Britain!"and he downed the wheelwright.The mason was big,but I laid him out like nothing.The three gathered themselves up and came again;went down again;came again;and kept on repeating this,with native British pluck,until they were battered to jelly,reeling with exhaustion,and so blind that they couldn't tell us from each other;and yet they kept right on,hammering away with what might was left in them.

Hammering each other --for we stepped aside and looked on while they rolled,and struggled,and gouged,and pounded,and bit,with the strict and wordless attention to business of so many bulldogs.We looked on without apprehension,for they were fast getting past ability to go for help against us,and the arena was far enough from the public road to be safe from intrusion.

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