
第98章 Chapter 34(4)

We jogged along,six in the party,at a moderate and comfortable gait,and in conversation learned that my lord Grip was a very great personage in his own region,which lay a day's journey beyond Cambenet.We loitered to such a degree that it was near the middle of the forenoon when we entered the market square of the town.We dismounted,and left our thanks once more for my lord,and then approached a crowd assembled in the center of the square,to see what might be the object of interest.It was the remnant of that old peregrinating band of slaves!So they had been dragging their chains about,all this weary time.That poor husband was gone,and also many others;and some few purchases had been added to the gang.The king was not interested,and wanted to move along,but I was absorbed,and full of pity.I could not take my eyes away from these worn and wasted wrecks of humanity.There they sat,grounded upon the ground,silent,uncomplaining,with bowed heads,a pathetic sight.And by hideous contrast,a redundant orator was making a speech to another gathering not thirty steps away,in fulsome laudation of "our glorious British liberties!"I was boiling.I had forgotten I was a plebeian,I was remembering Iwas a man.Cost what it might,I would mount that rostrum and --Click!the king and I were handcuffed together!Our companions,those servants,had done it;my lord Grip stood looking on.The king burst out in a fury,and said:

"What meaneth this ill-mannered jest?"

My lord merely said to his head miscreant,coolly:

"Put up the slaves and sell them!"

SLAVES!The word had a new sound --and how unspeakably awful!The king lifted his manacles and brought them down with a deadly force;but my lord was out of the way when they arrived.A dozen of the rascal's servants sprang forward,and in a moment we were helpless,with our hands bound behind us.We so loudly and so earnestly proclaimed ourselves freemen,that we got the interested attention of that liberty-mouthing orator and his patriotic crowd,and they gathered about us and assumed a very determined attitude.The orator said:

"If,indeed,ye are freemen,ye have nought to fear --the God-given liberties of Britain are about ye for your shield and shelter!(Applause.)Ye shall soon see.Bring forth your proofs.""What proofs?"

"Proof that ye are freemen."

Ah --I remembered!I came to myself;I said nothing.But the king stormed out:

"Thou'rt insane,man.It were better,and more in reason,that this thief and scoundrel here prove that we are NOT freemen."You see,he knew his own laws just as other people so often know the laws;by words,not by effects.They take a MEANING,and get to be very vivid,when you come to apply them to yourself.

All hands shook their heads and looked disappointed;some turned away,no longer interested.The orator said --and this time in the tones of business,not of sentiment:

"An ye do not know your country's laws,it were time ye learned them.

Ye are strangers to us;ye will not deny that.Ye may be freemen,we do not deny that;but also ye may be slaves.The law is clear:it doth not require the claimant to prove ye are slaves,it requireth you to prove ye are not."I said:

"Dear sir,give us only time to send to Astolat;or give us only time to send to the Valley of Holiness --""Peace,good man,these are extraordinary requests,and you may not hope to have them granted.It would cost much time,and would unwarrantably inconvenience your master --""MASTER,idiot!"stormed the king."I have no master,I myself am the m--""Silence,for God's sake!"

I got the words out in time to stop the king.We were in trouble enough already;it could not help us any to give these people the notion that we were lunatics.

There is no use in stringing out the details.The earl put us up and sold us at auction.This same infernal law had existed in our own South in my own time,more than thirteen hundred years later,and under it hundreds of freemen who could not prove that they were freemen had been sold into lifelong slavery without the circumstance making any particular impression upon me;but the minute law and the auction block came into my personal experience,a thing which had been merely improper before became suddenly hellish.Well,that's the way we are made.

Yes,we were sold at auction,like swine.In a big town and an active market we should have brought a good price;but this place was utterly stagnant and so we sold at a figure which makes me ashamed,every time I think of it.The King of England brought seven dollars,and his prime minister nine;whereas the king was easily worth twelve dollars and I as easily worth fifteen.But that is the way things always go;if you force a sale on a dull market,I don't care what the property is,you are going to make a poor business of it,and you can make up your mind to it.If the earl had had wit enough to --However,there is no occasion for my working my sympathies up on his account.Let him go,for the present;I took his number,so to speak.

The slave-dealer bought us both,and hitched us onto that long chain of his,and we constituted the rear of his procession.We took up our line of march and passed out of Cambenet at noon;and it seemed to me unaccountably strange and odd that the King of England and his chief minister,marching manacled and fettered and yoked,in a slave convoy,could move by all manner of idle men and women,and under windows where sat the sweet and the lovely,and yet never attract a curious eye,never provoke a single remark.Dear,dear,it only shows that there is nothing diviner about a king than there is about a tramp,after all.He is just a cheap and hollow artificiality when you don't know he is a king.But reveal his quality,and dear me it takes your very breath away to look at him.I reckon we are all fools.

Born so,no doubt.

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