本想做完这次任务就拿钱环游世界,结果穿越了?!行,穿越我认了,可是被叫废材?让我很不爽!堂堂的嗜血女王,会是废材?笑话!绝地反击,废柴逆天,再强的人我也虐得了。你们有的我要有,你们没有的我还要有。顶级丹药,极品神兽,我信手捏来,想和我玩是么?我等着!我要的不多,就站在这个世界的顶端就行。“那白送你个至尊相公,要不?”“你怂不怂?是不是太久没看见我杀人了?”“从爱上你的那刻,我就认怂了。”“滚!”嗜血之路,鬼王请靠边......【情节虚构,请勿模仿】Polar Distress (Dr. Critchlore's School for Mi
Runt Higgins has a long to-do list. He needs to find out who cursed him, and why; he needs to make up with his best friend, Syke; and he needs to pass the Junior Henchman Training Program. That last one? Not likely. Professor Murphy hates Runt and is actively trying to fail him. The only way for Runt to pass the class and stay at Dr. Critchlore's school is to locate a rare mineral that Dr. Critchlore needs to make an Undefeatable Minion. To find it, Runt must travel to icy Upper Worb and battle gyrfalcons, yetis … and the loathsome team from Dr. Pravus's school. Their newest member? Runt's former best friend, Syke.可不可以不加班