我们总说,“不要让孩子输在起跑线上”,于是对孩子提出各种要求,可其实,妈妈才是引领孩子的起跑线。妈妈的格局有多大,孩子的发展空间就有多大。大格局的妈妈明白,要想给孩子一个好的起跑线,就要对自己用力,设法使自己变得更优秀。唯有扩大自己的格局,才能给孩子更好的示范,同时让孩子看到更大的世界。黛西是一位华裔博士妈妈,她在加拿大生活了十几年,受到严格的教育学训练,在接触了西方前沿育儿法后,黛西发现:教养的每一天,都应该为孩子独立那天做准备!这是一个最好的时代,也是一个最坏的时代——信息高速流通,技术迅猛迭代——未来社会瞬息万变。随着人工智能时代的到来,聪明妈妈懂得从小培养孩子“面向未来”的品质和素养,让孩子拥有制胜未来的能力!Water in May
Fifteen-year-old Mari Pujols believes that the baby she's carrying will finally mean she' ll have a family member who will love her deeply and won't ever leave her—not like her mama, who took off when she was eight; or her papi, who's in jail; or her abuela, who wants as little to do with her as possible. But when doctors discover a potentially fatal heart defect in the fetus, Mari faces choices she never could have imagined. Surrounded by her loyal girl crew, her off-and-on boyfriend, and a dedicated doctor, Mari navigates a decision that could emotionally cripple the bravest of women. But both Mari and the broken-hearted baby inside her are fighters; and it doesn't take long to discover that this sick baby has the strength to heal an entire family. Inspired by true events, this gorgeous debut has been called “heartfelt, heartbreaking and—yes!—even a little heart-healing, too by bestselling YA novelist Carolyn Mackler.