《本色(打开来一个真实的我)》是一本关于职场、专业、人生、励志内容的书。实而空灵,是其突出的行文特点。真而直率昭示的是做人的意义。忠诚与敬业,彰显的是职业的操守。世间万物。人之所以为人,是因为人有理想,有追求。这种追求的可贵之处,不是挂在嘴边的口号,而是出自本愿,一点一滴地去修为。作品中,读者会看到一个追求情义的人,一个爱憎分踞的人,一个渴望完美的人,一个知道感恩的人,一个真诚待人的人,一个职场想做成一点事几的人,一个想活得单纯、潇洒一些的人……矢志不移,初衷不改,此为本色。 《本色(打开来一个真实的我)》由韩亚君编著。Churchill
Written by master historian and authorized Churchill biographer Martin Gilbert, this masterful single-volume work weaves together the detailed research from the author's eight-volume biography of the elder statesman, and features new information unavailable at the time of the original work's publication. Spanning Churchill's youth, education and early military career, his journalistic work, and the arc of his political leadership, Churchill: A Life details the great man's indelible contribution to Britain's foreign policy and internal social reform.Offering eyewitness accounts and interviews with Churchill's contemporaries, including friends, family members, and career adversaries, this book provides a revealing picture of the personal life, character, ambitions, and drives of one of the world's most influential and remarkable leaders.世界500强企业员工的50种阳光思维