迪丽热巴诚意推荐《寻找时间的人》第二部感动来袭!系列作品畅销全球40多个国家,狂揽欧美12项大奖的口碑之作。 被时间遗忘的世界里,是否隐藏着我们的另一种可能?畅销全球40多个国家,狂揽欧美12项大奖,口碑之作《寻找时间的人》第二部温暖来袭!一部震撼心灵,探寻人性与亲情的传世经典。与《追风筝的人》《偷书贼》一起被美国图书馆协会推荐为年度读物。《柯克斯评论》《出版人周刊》《卫报》《泰晤士报》等多家媒体重磅推荐。入选BBC“英国全民喜爱的100本书”。Goodreads书评网站、美国电商超千万读者一致好评。作者四度获得爱尔兰*文学奖——比斯托奖。被时间遗忘的世界里,是否隐藏着我们的另一种可能?家有仙妻:影帝不要撩
娱乐圈的人都知道,惹谁都不能惹顾影帝,因为这是一位太子爷。如果不好好努力就得回家继承家业的,而他的家业是整个环球集团!无数女星想抱这条大长腿都铩羽而归,偏偏姜宁不信邪,然后成功抱得了美男归。“顾影帝,听说您正在跟当红小花姜宁交往,是真的吗?”顾影帝眼神深邃,神情冷漠,“不是。”众人一片哗然,闪光灯下,男人的眉眼更加深邃清冷。“求婚九十九次了,她都没有答应。”当天,娱乐圈沸腾,某博直接瘫痪了!Prizzi's Honor
Charley Partanna works as a hitman for the Prizzis, New York's most dangerous crime family. Irene Walker does, too--an LA-based tax consultant, she moonlights as a hitwoman. And now she's stolen a large sum of money for the mob--and it's Charley's job to find her. The catch? Charley is married to Irene. Faced with divided loyalties, he must make a choice--between the only family he's ever known and the woman he loves.Prizzi's Honor was made into an award-winning film in 1985 starring Jack Nicholson, Robert Loggia, Kathleen Turner, and Anjelica Huston, who won an Academy Award for her performance. A compelling page-turner fueled by rich characterization and fast-paced prose, this book is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat.