最强傀儡师花离天赋异禀,少年得志,纵横一生,大婚当日,却被姐姐扒了皮替了身,落了个死无全尸、死不瞑目的下场。重生归来,腥风血雨起,复仇开启,为嘛她变成了人尽可欺的……傻子。只修傀道不修仙,管你是神是佛是鬼是妖。我若成魔,佛奈我何?但是!这个男人是怎么回事?前世今生阴魂不散的纠(an)缠(lian)她?花离夜夜被捆练腰肌:“我不喜欢铁链!”邪帝:“好,换金链。”花离:“……”闷骚的大骗纸!你还能比我再无耻点吗?!幽默洒脱黑莲花女主×腹黑闷骚高富帅男主。情有独钟,复仇虐渣。Devil and the Bluebird
Blue Riley has wrestled with her own demons ever since the loss of her mother to cancer. But when she encounters a beautiful devil at her town crossroads, it's her runaway sister's soul she fights to save. The devil steals Blue's voice—inherited from her musically gifted mother—in exchange for a single shot at finding Cass. Armed with her mother's guitar, a knapsack of cherished mementos, and a pair of magical boots, Blue journeys west in search of her sister. When the devil changes the terms of their deal, Blue must reevaluate her understanding of good and evil and open herself up to finding family in unexpected wkkk.net Devil and the Bluebird, Jennifer Mason-Black delivers a captivating depiction of loss and hope.