修涞贵,下过乡,当过警察,不惑之年进入陌生的医药行业开始创业。他深入研究了中国传统中医理论和儒学理论及现代西方经济学理论,在企业管理实践的基础上,创造性地创立了“企业修正哲学”;他仅用22年的时间,就把负债425万元的袖珍小厂做到了年销售收入626亿元的医药集团企业,并且以个人资产175亿元的身价荣登2016年《胡润百富榜》和吉林省首富,被尊为中国吉商领袖;他的创业案例被哈佛大学收录。本书既是修涞贵先生创业心路的真诚告白,也是他运用东方哲学素养(修正哲学)创造商界传奇的管理感悟。Fish in the Water
Mario Vargas Llosa's A Fish in the Water is a twofold book: a memoir by one of Latin America's most celebrated writers, beginning with his birth in 1936 in Arequipa, Peru; and the story of his organization of the reform movement which culminated in his bid for the Peruvian presidency in 1990. Llosa evokes the experiences which gave rise to his fiction, and describes the social, literary, and political influences that led him to enter the political arena as a crusader for a free-market economy. A deeply absorbing look at how fact becomes fiction and at the formation of a courageous writer with strong political commitments, A Fish in the Water reveals Mario Vargas Llosa as a world figure whose real story is just beginning.