“说……你爱我!”他用尽一切手段折磨她,仿佛毁天灭地。“我……我爱你!”她受迫于他,却也是肺腑之意。“起来……签个字!”一张离婚协议书扔到面前,这是温存过后,他送给她的礼物。三年婚姻,终抵不过那个可以给他更多荣耀的女人,落笔,签字,她心如刀割。转身之际,他彻底将她打入深渊——颜颜,把孩子打掉吧!Troy High
Homer's Iliad, the classic tale of love and revenge, is shrewdly retold for teens in Troy High. Narrated by Cassie, a shy outsider at Troy High, the story follows the Trojans and Spartans as they declare war on the football field. After the beautiful Elena—who used to be the captain of the Spartan cheerleaders—transfers to Troy High and falls madly in love with Cassie's brother Perry, the Spartans vow that the annual homecoming game will never be forgotten. Off the football field, an escalating prank war fuels tensions between the schools. The stakes are raised when Cassie is forced to choose between the boy she loves (a Spartan) and loyalty to her family and school. Troy High will seduce readers with its cast of mythic proportions.