不生气 不抱怨 不折腾大全集(超值金版)
错过的人,错过的事,回想起来,酸酸甜甜。他离开她,她理解,却心痛;他离开他,他理解,却不甘;站在人生的轨迹上,两个被‘抛弃’的人,相遇,开始新的故事。当他们的故事变成回忆,又是什么味道?食用指南:1.本文人物众多,主线CP互动缓慢;副线CP不少;有甜有虐;适用于喜欢人物复杂,线索繁多,人物故事饱满的读者食用;2.本文所有角色都有两面性;如若‘敌对’,只因各自立场选择不同;3.本文含少量BL,如若不喜,可以避开;4.本文存属虚构,YY之品,人物无原型,不与现实挂钩;如有雷同,纯属巧合;在故事能顺利进行的前提下,作者君尽量保证逻辑通顺,少雷,少狗血,如有漏洞,欢迎指正。l8r, g8r - 10th Anniversary update and reissue
It's time for a new generation of readers to discover the phenomenally bestselling and beloved series, told entirely in messages and texts. With a fresh look and updated cultural references, the notorious list-topping series is ready for the iPhone generation. First published in 2004 (holy moly!), ttyl and its sequels follow the ups and downs of high school for the winsome threesome, three very different but very close friends: wild Maddie (mad maddie), bubbly Angela (SnowAngel), and reserved Zoe (zoegirl). Through teacher crushes, cross-country moves, bossy Queen Bees, incriminating party pics, and other bumps along the way, author Lauren Myracle explores the many potholes of teenagedom with the unflinching honesty and pitch-perfect humor that made this series a staple of young adult literature.