睁开眼看到身边躺着一个美男不可怕,可怕的是睁开眼,看到身边躺着七个光秃秃的和尚,那才叫噩梦。睁开眼后,她发现自己穿越成了公主。美貌,金钱,美男一样也不缺,只是这公主声名狼藉,美男多成灾,让她苦不堪言……Why I Fly Fish
Chris Santella, bestselling author of the Fifty Places series, is back in action with the inspirational gift book Why I Fly Fish. Based on 25 interviews with fly-fishing professionals and celebrity hobbyists alike, Why I Fly Fish encapsulates the life lessons fly-fishing aficionados have learned from their favorite pursuit. Featured contributors include Donald Trump Jr., Bill Ford (CEO of Ford Motor Company), Conway Bowman (host of several flyfishing TV programs), actor Henry Winkler, Lefty Kreh (the world's best-known fly-fisherman) and many more. With personal photographs by the contributors themselves, Why I Fly Fish is an inspirational and intimate reflection on the beloved sport and pastime.