Only women and girls are allowed in the Red Abbey, a haven from abuse and oppression. Maresi, a thirteen-year-old novice there, arrived in the hunger winter and now lives a happy life in the Abbey, protected by the Mother and reveling in the vast library in the House of Knowledge, her favorite place. Into this idyllic existence comes Jai, a girl with a dark past. She has escaped her home after witnessing the killing of her beloved sister. Soon the dangers of the outside world follow Jai into the sacred space of the Abbey, and Maresi can no longer hide in books and words but must become one who acts. Bound for international success, Maresi will be published in 15 territories around the world!大佬你老婆要上天
夏宁人前绝对是淡然文艺气质超然的傲娇女神一枚,人后放飞自我嗨到爆霸气狂炫,然而就是这样的夏宁却招惹了一个她惹不起的男人,从此去哪都有男人相伴,夜司寒,一个妖凉魅惑的男人,身世成迷危险至极,最大的乐趣就是宠老婆爱老婆!"夜司寒,你为什么娶我啊?""乖……救命之恩应当以身相许。" 人人都知道夜少宠妻成瘾,天底下没有谁能比夜司寒还要爱夏宁,世人都知道夜司寒没有夏宁根本活不下去!这是一个小夫妻携手升级打怪,狗粮撒天撒地撒儿子的故事!ps:极致宠文,女主强大腹黑,男主人前高冷禁欲系狂炫酷霸拽,女主面前腹黑邪魅可卖萌可忠犬。不喜勿喷,全文带你打脸啪啪。