“李老板,作为一个做出多款畅销游戏的制作人,你有什么经验分享给那些新人吗?”“首先,你要给自己订一个力所能及的的小目标,比如我要制作出一款月流水一亿或者月销量一百万份的游戏来。”“李老板,众所周知,你的妻子不仅是难得一见的美女,还是无数玩家心中的女神,你当初追求她是因为她的美貌吗?”“我这个人比较脸盲,分不清楚谁漂亮不漂亮,我追求她完全是因为我们有相同的兴趣爱好,与漂亮不漂亮没有任何关系。”“李老板,作为新晋的华人首富,你有什么感想吗?”“赚那么多钱对我来说其实是一种痛苦,我这辈子最后悔的事情就是创办了神话网络。”……好吧,这其实是一个三流游戏制作人穿越到平行世界以后,完成自己那个做一款国产三A游戏梦想,顺道让自己走上人生巅峰的故事。建了一个QQ群,群号1148661223,大家可以进去聊天什么的,不定期赠送steam上的游戏,目前在本书出现过的瘟疫公司和蜡烛人均在赠送之列。The Classic Mantle
In The Classic Mantle, acclaimed sportswriter Buzz Bissinger tells the story of Mickey Mantle's unforgettable career. Mantle has long been considered one of baseball's most memorable figuresplaying his entire 18-year baseball career for the New York Yankees (195168), winning 3 American League MVP titles, playing in 20 All-Star games, and winning 7 World Series. Today, more than 40 years after his retirement, he still holds 6 World Series records, including most home runs (18). Bissinger goes beyond the statistics to bring Mantle to life, and stunning photographs by Marvin E. Newman make this book a fitting tribute to Mantle's career and his lasting impact on the sport of baseball. Praise for The Classic Mantle: Even if you're a Yankee hater, you can't help but love this bookand Mickey Mantle.” The Buffalo News