待我将你身边异性一一许配她人,我看你还能嫁谁。师哥很讨厌,第一次见面,他欺负师傅。到凡间更可恶,她想吃冰糖葫芦,他说她牙疼,吃多了会掉牙。还险些害她毁容。讨厌,她开始怀疑,师哥除了欺负她,还会做什么?“拉红线……”什么,师哥竟然要把她男神许配她人,他这是要和月老抢饭碗么?什么?师哥又撮合一对。她凌乱了。什么?师哥把小兽也许配她人……她算是明白了,她身边的异性都被他惦记着,这是要她孤独终老的节奏么?The Path of the Law
本书为公版书,为不受著作权法限制的作家、艺术家及其它人士发布的作品,供广大读者阅读交流。汇聚授权电子版权。Suicide Blonde
Vanity Fair called this intensely erotic story of a young woman's sexual and psychological odyssey "a provocative tour through the dark side." Jesse, a beautiful twenty-nine-year-old, is adrift in San Francisco's demimonde of sexually ambiguous, bourbon-drinking, drug-taking outsiders. While desperately trying to sustain a connection with her bisexual boyfriend in a world of confused and forbidden desire, she becomes the caretaker of and confidante to Madame Pig, a besotted, grotesque recluse. Jesse also falls into a dangerous relationship with Madison, Pig's daughter or lover or both, who uses others' desires for her own purposes, hurtling herself and Jesse beyond all boundaries. With Suicide Blonde, Darcey Steinke delves into themes of identity and time, as well as the common - and now tainted - language of sexuality.