虞欢醉酒惹上了一个大人物。三天后她所在的公司被强势收购。顾默白,G城第一豪门顾氏继承人,身份矜贵,是商场上传说中的杀神。然而这个男人却在见她的第一眼,言语轻佻。虞欢大惊失色,“你……!”顾默白恶狠狠地看着她,“以为我死了?既然你这么想要我死,不如再试一次!”后来,虞欢知道顾默白心里藏了个女人,而那个女人还带着一个孩子。再后来,虞欢扔下一纸离婚协议成全他,可不管她走到哪里,都有人躬身九十度:“顾太太,顾先生在等您回家!”The Love Affairs Of A Bibliomaniac
Zodiac, the brilliant second novel from the New York Times bestselling author of the The Baroque Cycle and Snow Crash, is now available from Grove Press. Meet Sangamon Taylor, a New Age Sam Spade who sports a wet suit instead of a trench coat and prefers Jolt from the can to Scotch on the rocks. He knows about chemical sludge the way he knows about evilall too intimately. And the toxic trail he follows leads to some high and foul places. Before long Taylor's house is bombed, his every move followed, he's adopted by reservation Indians, moves onto the FBI's most wanted list, makes up with his girlfriend, and plays a starring role in the near-assassination of a presidential candidate. Closing the case with the aid of his burnout roommate, his tofu-eating comrades, three major networks, and a range of unconventional weaponry, Sangamon Taylor pulls off the most startling caper in Boston Harbor since the Tea Party.考古:解密考古的悬疑