爱情,兄弟情,姐妹情,孰重孰轻?当你与自己的姐妹或者是兄弟爱上同一个人的时候,你,会如何抉择?华丽丽的宫斗即将上演~~~女主获得最终胜利~~~穿越就穿越了,古代就古代,可是为什么还是古代的皇宫,穿成一个人人可以踩在脚底下的宫女呢?那身份成谜,却对自己细心周到青衣的男子到底是谁;皇后说的那番话又是什么意思;爱上君王是该还是不该?她不知道。她只知,为了爱人,为了生存,只能站到风头浪尖去拼出一条活路。言官叱责如何?罪孽深重又如何?且看她在这宫中搏出一片天地!第一次写宫斗的文,简介不会写,亲相信某樱的话就花几秒钟点进去看一些章节吧~~~~收藏和票票和留言是写作的动力,无限期待中~~~【关于更新】遇到了很多看官们都在问更新的问题,这里樱统一地回答:本文一般情况下(特殊情况会标明),一天更新两次。PS:本文长期征求简介,写了这么多了,大概的意思相信亲已经看出个门道了,能帮樱写简介的话就大恩不言谢,樱实在是不会写简介,汗~~~Forever, With You (The Inn at Sunset Harbor—Book 3
"Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….This is the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads."--Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan re For Now and Forever)"A very well written novel, describing the struggle of a woman (Emily) to find her true identity. The author did an amazing job with the creation of the characters and her description of the environment. The romance is there, but not overdosed. Kudos to the author for this amazing start of a series that promises to be very entertaining."--Books and Movies Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re For Now and Forever)