《欢乐颂》作者阿耐又一力作,《大江东去》续集,曾用名《民企江湖》!真实细腻的商战谋略,深刻本质的政策分析!中国实体经济的真实披露,业内人士的一手经历。口碑奇好,豆瓣评分高达8.8分!小说以一家中小型机械制造厂切入,以手术解剖的方式娓娓道来秉持实业理想的柳钧和从事金融的好友钱宏明的典型遭遇。无论是山寨模仿、技术剽窃、恶意抢单、黑社会威胁、税务查账、环保穿小鞋还是信用证诈骗、房地产投机、民间高利贷、非法集资,从起步到发展过程中大到政策,小到员工管理的九九八十一难一一为你呈现。本书作者阿耐曾为浙江某著名民营制造业高管,几十年经营管理经验,写出来的都是“实打实的真材实料”。自连载以来,引发珠三角、长三角众多制造业老板及金融从业者的广泛共鸣。To Buy a Memory
Loretta has loved Lee for years--even following him to South Africa so they could be married. But when she meets Paul Tremayne, a domineering, ruggedly handsome man who happens to be Lee's friend and employer, her attraction to him is undeniable. Loretta gives in to her desire--and finds that behind Paul's severe exterior burns a passion so fierce she is powerless to resist it. Torn between two loves, Loretta must choose--or risk losing her heart and the man she loves.