完结年代文加宠文《八零弃妇有空间》新书《穿成八零大佬掌中宝》 重生后,叶文静一心想追上那个面冷,心更冷的冰山男。追了他许久,他却一直保持严肃脸,拒不上钩。她放弃,想远走高飞时,他返身将她抓回来:“听说你喜欢我?”叶文静委屈的扁嘴前世,叶文静好好的一盘棋走错了,落了一个凄惨的结局。重生后,她牢牢抱住丈夫的金大腿,谁敢和她抢,一脚踢飞。婆家穷?谁说的,有她在,怎么会穷?白莲花?简单,一瓶墨水,让她现形。小三?前世巧言如簧,阴谋算计,今世我要让你尝尝无法翻身是什么滋味?全文架空,平行空间。本文甜宠,男女主双洁,醉醉坑品保证,欢迎入坑。 完结文《八零弃妇有空间》《穿越八零年代》《重生八零家有悍妻》
云王府的遮出七格格,自小无人疼,无人爱,由于断掌,还被盛传克死了自己的娘,住的是下人房,吃的是剩下的饭菜,最后,还被自己的亲生父亲送给了暴虐的蛮族的首领,把她指腹为婚的未婚夫当作空气么?当个婢女给首领端茶倒水不说,怎么还要陪他盖棉被聊天?只是,为什么,他要羞辱她?当众人面甩她巴掌不说,还把她赏赐给红凤国的富商?自己,对于他们来说,都只是物品吗?断掌又如何?她能就此屈服于自己的命运?当发现怀上他的孩子,却被从小指腹为婚的未婚夫告白,而孩子他爹,也要抢她回去?Sweet Treats & Secret Crushes
When a blizzard threatens to ruin Valentine's Day, three seventh-grade friends make and distribute fortune cookies to their lonely neighbors—and confront the secrets they've been keeping from one another. Confident Kate doesn't notice much but the latest gossip, and shy Georgia can't say out loud what's always on her mind. They're joined by observant, careful Olivia, whose epic, single-minded crush on PBJ (real name: Phillip Becker-Jacobs) is starting to frustrate them. Using fortune cookies that mysteriously always seem to speak directly to the person who opens them, the three girls try to work together to bring some love to their building while reminding each other why they're such good friends to begin with.快穿之家有男神怀里揣