故事是从校园生活开始的,校园中的友情可以说最纯洁也最刻骨铭心,但是对于现代的校园友情之间却或多或少掺杂着许多金钱和利益的东西。同时也正是这些东西让人感受到了现代校园情感中的复杂和辛酸。因为“义”的吸引四个相互不太看好的少年走在了一起,他们诠释着那个懵懂年带的兄弟“义气”。时间的步伐让他们不得不分开,分开后的兄弟们,面临着各自的生活,时间磨练他们年轻的意志,生活紧张的节奏和来自家庭的压力让他们只能在远方默默的祝福自己的兄弟。少有的电话、少有的问候,并不是他们在淡忘彼此,只是因为不愿意听到问候中那些虚情假意的“嘘寒问暖”,他们都想找回以前的美好回忆,但是现实是不可能的。所以他们有的只是祝福,默默的祝福。故事没有结尾,因为结尾仍然充满着无尽的牵挂,既然是牵挂所以就没有尽头,只是这种牵挂相比校园种的情感而言却更纯洁了很多,不知道是悲哀还是……Celebration & The Room
A restaurant. Two curved banquettes. It's a celebration. Violent, wildly funny, Harold Pinter's new play displays a vivid zest for wkkk.net The Room, Harold Pinter's first play, he reveals himself as already in full control of his unique ability to make dramatic poetry of the banalities of everyday speech and the precision with which it defines wkkk.net Pinter's latest play, Celebration, and his first play, The Room directed by the author himself, premired as a double-bill at London's Almeida Theatre in March 2000.