Amalie is a sexy, beautiful thirty-year-old haute bourgeoisie wife of a distant husband. One evening at a service station on the outskirts of the Bois de Boulogne, she meets David and steps into an erotic and sensuous new life. Twenty years her senior, darkly handsome, and almost embarrassingly virile, he is a suave filmmaker, a confirmed bachelor, and the perfect match for the perfect affairbut one with a twist. Amalie isn't looking for love, but she's hungry for pleasure. Written with cool-headed intensity and sexual heat, Crush is an unforgettable odyssey through the wilds of desire into the badlands of erotic obsession.中国历代通俗演义:唐史演义(下)
本书讲述从“第五十一回 失潼关哥舒翰丧师 驻马嵬杨贵妃殒命”到“第一百回 徒乘舆朱全忠行弑 移国祚昭宣帝亡唐”的历史。安史乱起,唐玄宗仓皇西走之事,历述唐朝由盛转衰直至朱温篡唐之后续诸事件,重点交代了大唐王朝衰亡之三大历史教训中的阉祸(即宦官擅政,挟制天子)与藩镇祸(即军阀混战,割据一方,终于篡夺中央政权)。大唐盛世终至灭亡,从根本问题上解决起来,实自宫闱淫乱,造成种种恶果……