此文原名《鸾宫:麻雀皇后》,作品宣言:以小白的方式写不小白的文!如果喜欢,请收藏!----------------------------宰相府内,某女使劲扯着嗓门吼道:“来来来,快来下注啦,再不下注就要开啦!机不可失失不再来诶~”没错,她就是相府内那个嗜赌如命的大千金,骨牌,麻将,二十四点无所不会。又一次聚众赌博被狐狸般的老爹抓到,拿出一卷圣旨,爱情戏苦情戏悲情戏亲情戏,总之先骗入宫再说。“哎,雪儿啊,爹也是没有办法啊……”既然要当国之栋梁,那就一栋到底吧,家里的小狐狸女儿也奉献出去好了。出嫁,当今皇上广纳后宫,车辇还没进宫门,三大妃子就先在街口交汇处大打出手。不想夺宠。却无心插柳柳成阴,一曲乐曲,弹死了一个中书令,毁了一个良淑妃。他设计让她做皇后。她却一一化解。精彩片段欣赏:⑴“皇上,臣妾真不会弹琴……”她可怜兮兮的说道。“爱妃……君无戏言,你不要让朕食言嘛”“那……好吧”她敛眉遮住眼中的笑意,小手开始庄正的一挥:“嘎吱……噼里啪啦……啪哒……”“抱歉,我真的不会弹琴……”⑵“爱妃,听说,你这落雪殿出了百鸟朝凤的奇景?”“是呐,可是,鸟儿都没了……”她摆摆手无奈的说道。他的表情露出了一丝的阴沉:“嗯?爱妃,鸟儿没了?”“是啊……因为——臣妾把它们全烤了!”她笑得没心没肺的反问道:“皇上,你要尝尝那烤鸟肉吗?可香,可好吃了”⑶天气晴朗,皇宫上头万里无云。观星台上,他说:“你是我这辈子里遇上的最烂的那一朵桃花”她不乐意了,问道:“江山和美人,你选哪个?”他贪心道:“都要。”A Dirge for Princes (A Throne for Sisters—Book Fou
"Morgan Rice's imagination is limitless. In another series that promises to be as entertaining as the previous ones, A THRONE OF SISTERS presents us with the tale of two sisters (Sophia and Kate), orphans, fighting to survive in a cruel and demanding world of an orphanage. An instant success. I can hardly wait to put my hands on the second and third books!"--Books and Movie Reviews (Roberto Mattos)From #1 Bestseller Morgan Rice comes an unforgettable new fantasy series.In A DIRGE FOR PRINCES (A Throne for Sisters—Book Four), Sophia, 17, battles for her life, trying to recover from the wound left by Lady D'Angelica. Will her sister Kate's new powers be enough to bring her back?The ship sails with the sisters to the distant and exotic lands of their uncle, their last hope and only know connection to their parents. Yet the journey is treacherous, and even if they find it, the sisters don't know if their reception will be warm or hostile.