楠夜明珠~南娑国长公主,自幼跟随师傅在山中散养,没有皇宫贵族的傲慢秉性,天真好动喜欢恶作剧,身边跟随着一起长大的师姐璃月,还有只圈养的白色毛发的白虎。夜鳞朔~南娑国传说~擎天一出横扫四方战神夜王爷夜鳞朔,南娑国唯一的异性王爷也是当今长公主楠夜明珠的未婚夫!二人经由幼年时皇宫中的偶遇,刚满六岁的楠明珠一句“他是你们姑父,姑爷爷!谁敢动他试试!”一众皇子皇孙被皇宫小霸王霸气的击退了出去!就因这句话糊里糊涂的把自己嫁了,还在自己名字中加了个夜字。多年后在外散养的楠夜明珠忘了自己有个多年未见的未婚夫。某日山中采药捡到一枚身受重伤的男子,正是自己幼年时顶下的人,将人带回后某个夜晚二人相互了身躯....!New Life
'I read a book one day, and my whole life was changed'. So begins "e;The New Life"e;, Orhan Pamuk's fabulous road novel about a young student who yearns for the life promised by a dangerously magical book. He falls in love, abandons his studies, turns his back on home and family, and embarks on restless bus trips through the provinces, in pursuit of an elusive vision. This is a wondrous odyssey, laying bare the rage of an arid heartland. In coffee houses with black-and-white TV sets, on buses where passengers ride watching B-movies on flickering screens, in wrecks along the highway, in paranoid fictions with spies as punctual as watches, the magic of Pamuk's creation comes alive.