莫名其妙地被系统绑定上,开始一脸懵逼的各种穿。“嗯...你放开我”某女试图挣扎男神的怀抱,可男神反而抱得更紧“乖,让我再抱会,好不好?”“嗯...”热热的气息喷洒在耳边,让某女红了脸。男人太棒吃不消,想离开,刚走到门口就听到男人说:“嗯?你要去哪儿?”危险的气息逐渐逼近,某女僵硬地转身看着躺在床上露着腹肌的男人,眼里满是害羞,脸颊通红。就喜欢逗满脸通红的她的男主×性格软软但降的住男主的可盐可甜女主The Cure for Dreaming
Winters breathes new life into history once again with an atmospheric, vividly real story that includes archival photos and art from the period. Olivia Mead is a headstrong, independent girl -a suffragist -in an age that prefers its females to be docile. It's 1900 in Oregon, and Olivia's father, concerned that she's headed for trouble, convinces a stage mesmerist to try to hypnotize the rebellion out of her. But the hypnotist, an intriguing young man named Henri Reverie, gives her a terrible gift instead: she's able to see people's true natures, manifesting as visions of darkness and goodness, while also unable to speak her true thoughts out loud. These supernatural challenges only make Olivia more determined to speak her mind, and so she's drawn into a dangerous relationship with the hypnotist and his mysterious motives, all while secretly fighting for the rights of women.