70年代,一个叫刘家营的小山村里,发生了一起恶性杀人案。被害人家属却没有报案。队长青猴子的孙女在两个月前离奇失踪,村民纷纷猜测黄下海里的那具无名女尸“烂腰”就是那个小女孩。青猴子与前任队长罗金宝的个人恩怨,引发了村民的种种议论,从而展现出刘家营村王姓人家与刘姓人家不同的人生。其中有老地主的改过自新,有老光棍的悲剧人格,有劁猪匠王朝喜的悲喜人生。一群被侮辱被忽略的底层小人物的命运交错在六七十年代的山村……A Topps League Story
The Pine City Porcupines' batboy, Chad, breaks an important unofficial rule of baseball: Don't talk to the starting pitcher when he's got a perfect game going, where not a single opponent has reached base. Now, because Chad opened his mouth, the entire Pines dugout is upset, the team may lose to the second-to-last-place West Valley Varmints, and Chad has to consult his baseball card collection to figure out how to help his beloved team pull off the perfect game.