她,凶凶无良而又不好惹,学的是无能专业,行的是狗血穿越,领的是半路儿子,本想带着儿子逍遥世间,却无奈碰上一朵克妻的烂桃花粘死了她。他,南傲国的三王爷,视克妻为家常便饭而又桃花不断泛滥,第一妻,残了,第二妻,傻了,第三妻,毁容了,第四个,正在私奔中…姿色平平,这个咱忽略,好吃懒做,这个咱不提了,带个拖油瓶,这个咱跳过,谁让他眼残看上了她!所以他认了!片段1——某男:“白小姐,我有钱有权又有色!”某女人却死死盯着三丈外的一只乌鸡:“扑你不如扑鸡!”某只鸡瞪着三丈外的女人,听她说完,刷地扑腾翅膀扇走了。某男看着五丈外因为扑腾太快外加走路不长眼撞晕在墙脚的那只鸡,笑道:“鸡会乱飞乱窜,哪有本王任你上下其手来得方便?”“至少…肉比你多,比你鲜,比你嫩!”某女人对着地上的晕鸡,两眼发亮,高喊道:“莫小白,今晚,咱们炖鸡汤!”片段2——没心没肺“王妃,王爷说他种了合欢散,急…需…需…”某护卫需了半天没需出个屁来。“你需什么需?哪,湖了现成的水打一桶回去让他泡上三个时辰就没事了。”某女人嗑着瓜子瞅了眼湖面,说得云淡风轻。某护卫盯着结了三尺冰的湖面,怔怔不语。某女人继续嗑着瓜子。某护卫想象他家主子被摧残的画面,瞬间心碎了无痕!片段3——小萌神某小屁孩娘声娘气地问:“娘娘(niagniang),蛋是肿么来的呢?”某‘娘’不客气回答:“鸡生的。”“那鸡又是肿么来的捏?”“蛋生的。”某小屁孩盯着手中的蛋蛋,45度抬头,“那这个蛋蛋又是肿么来的捏?”“你老娘我翻墙偷来的!”作者郑重声明:本文非虐型,轻松,幽默,搞笑,解压必备!某人摸黑打滚悲戚戚哭喊道:简介无能,但求收藏!(某人发誓:是坑,总会填满的!)More of Me
Teva goes to school, studies for her exams, and spends time with her friends. To the rest of the world, she's a normal teenager. But when she goes home, she's anything but normal. Due to a genetic abnormality, Teva unwillingly clones herself every year. And lately, home has become a battleground. When boys are at stake, friends are lost, and lives are snatched away, Teva has a fight on her hands—a fight with herself. As her birthday rolls around, Teva is all too aware that time is running out. She knows that the next clone will soon seize everything she holds dear. Desperate to hang on to her life, Teva decides to find out more about her past … and uncovers lies that could either destroy her or set her free.