《学生最想知道的未解之谜:百思不解的地理谜团》编排体例合理,图文并茂,语言通俗易懂,可以满足青少年读者的求知欲,激发其探索“谜底”的兴趣。同时也可作为中小学教师进行科普教育的参考书,配合学校素质教育的目的,提高青少年素质与思想素质。Moving Target
This is an important and illuminating collection of essays and lectures by the winner of the 1983 Nobel Prize for Literature. William Golding writes about places as diverse as Wiltshire, where he lived for over half a century, Dutch waterways, Delphi, Egypt ancient and modern, and planet Earth herself. Other essays discuss books and ideas, and provide a fascinating background to the appreciate Golding's own writing and imagination. It includes Golding's Nobel Speech. "e;Golding come through this collection as reserved and wary, but delightful...His writing is a joy"e;. (Sunday Times).蜀山战纪2:踏火行歌
吴奇隆、 雨婷儿、陈哲远主演同名电视剧于1月30日在浙江卫视周播剧场首播。从小生活在小村村的余英男和哥哥余英奇都有着各自的秘密。英男并不知道她是被哥哥捡回家的女孩,因为她失去了年少时的记忆。而英奇的族人火黎族因多年前被赤魂石影响,一直饱受丹火不稳的侵扰,族人们只能隐居小村村。英男以为自己十八岁生日那天遇到的苍墟大弟子白谷逸是梦中的大英雄。为了追求爱情,遂上苍墟派学武,却阴差阳错地与余英奇一起上了蜀山。不久后,两派因赤魂石之事办了合办班,英男、英奇、白谷逸都被选为合办班的弟子,三人的命运也因此而纠葛在了一起。