是神秘的太空世界丛书之一,由刘芳编著。《飞向月球》图文并茂,从不同角度、不同层面向你展开一幅幅美丽的太空画面,让你在学到有关太空知识的同时也能领略到独特的太空美,相信定会使你受益匪浅。现在就开始这次意义远的太空之旅吧。Odd & True
Trudchen grew up hearing Odette's stories of their monster-slaying mother and a magician's curse. But now that Tru's older, she's starting to wonder if her older sister's tales were just comforting lies, especially because there's nothing fantastic about her own life—permanently disabled and in constant pain from childhood polio. In 1909, after a two-year absence, Od reappears with a suitcase supposedly full of weapons and a promise to rescue Tru from the monsters on their way to attack her. But it's Od who seems haunted by something. And when the sisters' search for their mother leads them to a face-off with the Leeds Devil, a nightmarish beast that's wreaking havoc in the Mid-Atlantic states, Tru discovers the peculiar possibility that she and her sister—despite their dark pasts and ordinary appearances—might, indeed, have magic after all.鲁滨逊漂流记(青少版名著)
丹尼尔·笛福的这本《鲁滨逊漂流记》是一部具有传奇色彩的回忆录式 冒险小说。小说问世之后,立即风靡全球,历久不衰,成为家喻户晓的一部世界名著,该书被誉为英国文学史上的第一部长篇小说。 《鲁滨逊漂流记》运用自述的方式,讲述了主人公在孤岛上生活二十八年的传奇故事:鲁滨逊在绝境中流落无人荒岛之上,但是他凭借自己的勇敢 和智慧,对荒岛的原始生存环境进行改造,将自己的生活打理得井井有条,彻底改变了自己无衣无食的苦难命运,他还救下了即将被土著吃掉的野人“ 星期五”,并最终安全回到阔别已久的故乡。宁王冷妃
他是李煦,大权国的宁王殿下,手握重兵觊觎皇位,却无法保护自己的爱妻幼儿,韬光养晦多年,他一步步计划了阴谋,要致害死自己挚爱的皇权于死地她是钟楚颜,大权国皇太后的侄女,美貌单纯却倔强的桢颜郡主,她出现在他痛失挚爱的生活里,只是来自皇权的一场交易,她不可遏制地爱上了她的新婚丈夫,却发现自己只是皇权与王权所利用的棋子他恨她,恨她的家族,她的皇帝兄长,他以折磨她的方式来缅怀另一个女人,终于当他爱上他的时候,阴谋已经一步步把他逼上绝路,情感与欲望,复仇与爱情,到底该何去何从?她爱他,仿佛出生到此就是为了与他相爱相知,可是当他加冕为皇接受全天下臣民的顶礼膜拜时,当她发现身边的家族因为他的存在而消失殆尽时,当他曾拥有的挚爱鬼魅一般的复活,她还有什么样的理由再去爱他?她逃开,流离,可是命运钦定的血液又在她的身体中不安分的流淌,什么时候,这谜一样的爱情能够揭开真实的面纱?###########################################“你清楚了吗,这是你要的,我不缺。。不缺女人。。多你一个,不算多。。”她看见他眼中的疯狂,不是欲望,却是仇恨“你知道你做了什么。”“一个男人,一个丈夫该做的事而已。”“你做好王妃的本分,我做好我该做的事情,不就是这场交易的最佳结果吗?”“放心,钟楚颜早已不是颜郡主了。”“还不退兵,你就死路一条了”“我知道,但是我要找到楚颜,不管是活人,还是死尸。”“虽然我当你与我一样重要,可是楚颜却让我明白,她,比我的生命还要重要。”“看来我们注定生死纠缠,跟我来吧。”#######################################宁踏凡尘崎岖路王者天下任我行冷面温情红尘展妃进东宫舞翩翩P:本文男主的感情经历和个人性格是由有缺陷到逐渐弥补至近似完美的,所以期望十全大爱型男主的读者慎入。。########################################翩翩又开新文了哦,地址是穿越小说,《前穿帝姬后为囚》欢迎亲们前去捧场哦The Golden Ass
Lucius Apuleius, a young man of good parentage, takes a trip to Thessaly. Along the way, amidst a series of bizarre adventures, he inadvertently offends a priestess of the White Goddess, who promptly turns him into an ass. How Lucius responds to his new misfortune, and ultimately finds a way to become human again, makes for a funny and fascinating tale.The Metamorphosis of Apuleius, referred to by St. Augustine as The Golden Ass, is the oldest novel written in Latin to survive in its entirety. Originally written by Lucius of Patrae, this translation by Robert Graves highlights the ribald humor and vivid sense of adventure present in the original. Providing a rare window in to the daily lives of regular people in ancient Greece, Robert Graves' translation of this classic tale is at once hilarious, informative, and captivating.