When Miles tells his fiancée, Monique, that they must keep their engagement a secret if she comes with him to live on Grand Cayman Island, she has misgivings. Once they reach the island, she realizes all her fears were right--and Miles breaks her heart.But then she meets Dirk Anderson, Miles' new employer. Handsome and domineering, Dirk couldn't be more different from Miles, and Monique finds herself strangely drawn to him. But he may be involved with another woman--the same one who came between her and Miles. Can she trust his love--or will her heart be broken once more?你因灵魂被爱:张爱玲传
胡兰成、桑弧与赖雅,谁是张爱玲一生挚爱? 闫红以史料结合张爱玲小说、信件,将张爱玲与母亲、父亲、姑姑、弟弟的纠结亲情,与炎樱、苏青、傅雷、柯灵、夏志清、宋淇、邝文美、庄信正等人的复杂友情,与亦舒、三毛、水晶等粉丝的往来渊源,特别是与桑弧、胡兰成、赖雅、佛朗士几段情缘的来龙去脉一一道来。闫红眼毒心静,笔下有理也有情,腾挪自如地刻画民国女子的缠绵情事之余,也大刀阔斧地书写了时代边缘的落叶长风。与其说她用文字去写张爱玲,不如说她用文字去演张爱玲。