姓匪的没有失言,月半和老黄还有野兔梁子的掏煤汉全都回到了他的窑上。第一天月半没有挖煤,他来了英梅家。他来告诉英梅,他们都回到窑上了。这个结果显然是让人高兴的,但他还惦记着英梅心里的不甘。有了前天那一回,在他们之间又多了一层羞,所以来了以后,他也傻傻的,不知道说什么好。看英梅一直捂着胸口,脸也比往日黄了,他就咬自己的嘴唇,直咬得嘴唇发白,才说,要不,我们还告他去。英梅不说话,只拿拳头抵胸口,往深处抵。月半说,要不,去医院看看?英梅摇头,摇出两挂泪来,说,我没病。月半说,那我们再告去,我还替你作证。英梅哽咽了一声,泪哗啦啦就汹涌起来,她一只手捂着胸口,一只手捂着嘴,身体一下一下地抽,却哭不出声来。月半急,上去替她拍背,才缓过劲来,呜呜哭出来了。月半说,你不要哭了,我们不掏煤了,我们还告他狗日的去,就不相信这天底下硬要不回一个天理了!她说,不告了,真的不告了。The Peculiars
This dark and thrilling adventure, with an unforgettable heroine, will captivate fans of steampunk, fantasy, and romance. On her 18th birthday, Lena Mattacascar decides to search for her father, who disappeared into the northern wilderness of Scree when Lena was young. Scree is inhabited by Peculiars, people whose unusual characteristics make them unacceptable to modern society. Lena wonders if her father is the source of her own extraordinary characteristics and if she, too, is Peculiar. On the train she meets a young librarian, Jimson Quiggley, who is traveling to a town on the edge of Scree to work in the home and library of the inventor Mr. Beasley. The train is stopped by men being chased by the handsome young marshal Thomas Saltre. When Saltre learns who Lena's father is, he convinces her to spy on Mr. Beasley and the strange folk who disappear into his home, Zephyr House. A daring escape in an aerocopter leads Lena into the wilds of Scree to confront her deepest fears.告诉你一个甘地的故事