【男女主身心干净,宠文无虐,女强悬疑,欢迎追文!】*内宫宠妃死状凄惨,凶手竟是当朝皇子,大理寺卿沈毅为其脱罪不成携家奔逃,一家上下二十四口,被乱箭绞杀于皇城之外。她是毓秀娇女,却女承父业,一手剖尸验骨之术藏于深闺十七年。挟恨重生,她只求杀人偿命为父昭雪!正踏上伸冤之路,各式诡谲大案纷至沓来。无头新娘案,枯井沉尸案,黄金大劫案……秦莞撸起袖子干,却一不小心惹上个大魔王。大魔王要钱给钱,要权给权,以江山为聘,赠她无上荣宠!·一件血洗帝都的诡案,一段罪爱交织的仇怨,一场权利欲孽的阴谋,一座奢靡腐朽的帝国。她是秦莞,为求公道,让死人说话令生人俯首,若公道不得,管江山翻覆搅天下兴亡。·架空仵作文,恋爱为主,悬疑为辅,谢绝考据,不喜请叉。Once Craved (a Riley Paige Mystery--Book #3)
ONCE CRAVED is book #3 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with ONCE GONE (Book #1)!When prostitutes turn up dead in Phoenix, not much attention is paid. But when a pattern of disturbing murders is discovered, the local police soon realize a serial killer is on a rampage and they are in way over their heads. Given the unique nature of the crimes, the FBI, called in, knows they will need their most brilliant mind to crack the case: Special Agent Riley Paige.Riley, recovering from her last case and trying to pick up the pieces of her life, is at first reluctant. But when she learns of the grievous nature of the crimes and realizes the killer will soon strike again, she is compelled. She begins her hunt for the elusive killer and her obsessive nature takes her too far—perhaps too far, this time, to pull herself back from the brink.