推荐新文《这男人欠揍》秋花惨淡秋草黄,耿耿秋灯秋夜长.已觉秋窗秋不尽,那堪风雨助凄凉!助秋风雨来何速!惊破秋窗秋梦绿.抱得秋情不忍眠,自向秋屏移泪烛.泪烛摇摇爇短檠,牵愁照恨动离情.谁家秋院无风入?何处秋窗无雨声?罗衾不奈秋风力,残漏声催秋雨急.连宵脉脉复飕飕,灯前似伴离人泣.寒烟小院转萧条,疏竹虚窗时滴沥.不知风雨几时休,已教泪洒窗纱湿.林黛玉的命运就是一首读过就不会忘记,读过就永远心痛的诗!如此一个傲世独立的奇女子,何以如此悲惨?每每走进红楼,总是掩卷而哭!为她!今涂鸦红楼,还她一个微笑的人生!可爱的秋樱释的新文《爆君再爱我一次》温柔美女东走西顾的新文《杀神王妃》精灵一般的顽皮可爱的新文《夫多不教妻之过》LAPD '53
James Ellroy, the undisputed master of crime writing, has teamed up with the Los Angeles Police Museum to present a stunning text on 1953 LA. While combing the museum's photo archives, Ellroy discovered that the year featured a wide array of stark and unusual imagery—and he has written 25,000 words that illuminate the crimes and law enforcement of the era. Ellroy o ffers context and layers on wild and rich atmosphere—this is the cauldron that was police work in the city of the tarnished angels more than six decades ago. More than 80 duotone photos are spread throughout the book in the manner of hard-edged police evidence.