本书是贵州省委宣传部牵头,贵州日报报业集团组织编写的30余位贵州先进典型人物。他们有盲人教师刘芳;有呕心沥血的县委书记姜仕坤;有为民引水,力拔穷根的81岁村支书黄大发;有“中国生态英雄”、“贵州造林王”吴庆贤……贵州榜样的名字在全社会广为传颂,贵州榜样的感人事迹,在人们心中久久回响,他们是在贵州崇山峻岭深处挺起的铮铮脊梁,他们是贵州人自强不息,锐意进取的精神丰碑。展示创新发展的新形象,凝聚苦干实干助跨越的精气神,传递同心同德奔小康的正能量,为全省经济社会发展注入无比强大精神力量。A Trace of Death (a Keri Locke Mystery--Book #1)
"A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go."--Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone)From #1 bestselling mystery author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense.Keri Locke, Missing Persons Detective in the Homicide division of the LAPD, remains haunted by the abduction of her own daughter, years before, never found. Still obsessed with finding her, Keri buries her grief the only way she knows how: by throwing herself into the cases of missing persons in Los Angeles.A routine phone call from a worried mother of a high-schooler, only two hours missing, should be ignored. Yet something about the mother's voice strikes a chord, and Keri decides to investigate.和豪门大佬互穿的日子