前世乃上古神秘之族嫡长女族长,长老陷害,自爆身亡,今世相府毒女,出生毒死亲娘,毒残奶娘的嫡三小姐,性子看着怯懦温软,谁能知道隐藏在体内真实的她觉醒会如何?!她安晏要做就做京都最锦绣的小姐,替嫁入侯府,一双毒手享誉天下!风云变,往昔,究竟谁对她好谁才是最坏的人?还有那个那个,面皮比城墙还厚的男人,没想到他的身份层层剥开后竟是那般让人惊愕.....“夫人,可否赐予为夫一毒,以毒天下?”“不给。”....“那为夫只能以身试毒了!”“滚!”Rogue, Prisoner, Princess (Of Crowns and Glory—Boo
"Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (regarding Rise of the Dragons).ROGUE, PRISONER, PRINCESS is book #2 in Morgan Rice's bestselling epic fantasy series OF CROWNS AND GLORY, which begins with SLAVE, WARRIOR, QUEEN (Book #1).