无数网友读者疯狂追捧的青春虐文神作!《致青春》制作班底重磅打造电影!曲蔚然是个品学兼优的好孩子,他总是轻柔优雅的轻笑着,像个贵族一般让所有少年少女们仰望着。可养父的出现,将他的面具击碎,将他不堪的一面暴露在人群中,让所有人都知道,他不过是一个被家庭暴力摧残的可怜虫而已。这样阴暗的少年,内心却还装着一个女孩,夏彤。温柔的夏彤,怯怯的夏彤,是他唯一爱着的女孩。可同父异母的少年曲宁远,也喜欢上了她,曲蔚然不甘心,明明他什么都有了,有父亲,有家世,有荣誉,集万千宠爱于一身的他,却想将他最后一点幸福都抢去。曲蔚然终于决定报复,报复所有伤害他,遗弃他的人,他要将原来属于他的一切全部抢回来。一场以爱为名的阴谋正式开场了。Before He Hunts (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 8)
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 900 five star reviews), comes book #8 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.In BEFORE HE HUNTS (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 8), victims are turning up dead in FBI Special Agent Mackenzie White's home state of Nebraska—all shot in the back of the head, and all bearing the card "Barker Antiques." The same card her father's murderer left on his body years ago.With a sudden urgency in the present, the time has finally come for Mackenzie to face her ghosts, to face her darkest past, and to find her father's killer.But her trip back down memory lane may take her to places she'd rather not see, and to discoveries she'd rather not find. She finds herself playing cat and mouse with a killer more sinister than she could imagine, and with her fragile psyche collapsing, this case, of all of them, may be the one that does her in for good.