被亲妹妹陷害,羊入虎口,本想甩下钱就走,却被威胁和身价不菲的他结婚。“喂喂,我跟你不熟,你别过来!”“老婆,这也不是第一次了,别怕,我会好好吃掉你。”某男扯了扯领带。“走开,不准吃我妈咪!”突然闯进来的包子气冲冲地指着某男。某男侧头看了看小包子:“想要有个妹妹陪你一起玩吗?”“想~”“那你先出去,我和你妈咪给你造个妹妹出来。”“好~”--情节虚构,请勿模仿Pacific Onslaught
Japan had mighty ambitions—to control the Western Pacific. The attack on Pearl Harbor devastated the American Pacific fleet, their primary obstacle, and they swept across the region. What ensued was a bitter struggle in which many thousands of soldiers lost their lives on both sides.This is the first book in Paul Kennedy's chronicle of the Pacific conflict in World War II, concluded in Pacific Victory. Featuring a new introduction by the author, this book provides a close, step-by-step narrative of the Japanese expansion into the Western Pacific during some of the most brutal years of World War II. Offering contemporary analysis of war strategy, it includes a riveting look at Japan's tightening grip on Hong Kong, New Guinea, the Philippines, and other key strategic locations—and the Allies' inexorable struggle against it. These works on the War in the Pacific are as gripping today as when they were first published.