第二次界大战的胜利具有伟大的历史意义。我们历史地辨证地看待这段人类惨痛历史,可以说,第二次世界大战的爆发给人类造成了巨大灾难,使人类文明惨遭浩劫,但同时,第二次世界大战的胜利,也开创了人类历史的新纪元,极大地推动了人类社会向前发展,给战后世界带来了广泛而深刻的影响。促进了世界进入力量制衡的相对和平时期;促进了殖民地国家的民族解放;促进了许多社会主义国家的诞生;促进了资本主义国家的经济、政治和社会改革;促进了人类认识的真理革命;促进了世界人民对和平的认识。Worlds of Ink and Shadow
Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne. The Bront? siblings find escape from their constrained lives via their rich imaginations. The glittering world of Verdopolis and the romantic and melancholy world of Gondal literally come to life under their pens, offering the sort of romance and intrigue missing from their isolated parsonage home. But at what price? As Branwell begins to slip into madness and the sisters feel their real lives slipping away, they must weigh the cost of their powerful imaginations, even as the characters they have created—the brooding Rogue and dashing Duke of Zamorna—refuse to let them go. Gorgeously written and based on the Bront?s'juvenilia, Worlds of Ink and Shadow brings to life one of history's most celebrated literary families in a thrilling, suspenseful fantasy.