每一个恶毒女配身后一定都有一个极品男人,他纵容你为恶,和你一起折腾男主女主,他并不是真的脑残,他只是太爱你,他叫秦挚。楼尧尧跟人抢了一辈子男人,结果最后才发现抢到的是一个人渣中的人渣,为了这个渣男,她误杀了情敌,还把自家恶毒男配葬送了。重生回到二十岁,一切还来得及……Cat in Glass
The eight tales in this collection by Nancy Etchemendy weave great suspense with interesting plots and unusual characters. "Lunch at Etienne's" is a story narrated by a woman who is surrounded by death but doesn't seem to realize it. "Cat in Glass" is about a mysterious, malevolent sculpted cat that commits gruesome murders and is told from the point of view of the sculpture's frightened and bewildered owner. There is also "The Sailor's Bargain", a captivating story about an orphan whose haunting dreams lead to a stark revelation of another life, and "The Lily and the Weaver's Heart", in which a one-eyed Jacinth dares to take her place in a cruel world by risking a journey that is usually reserved for the most able-bodied men of the culture.