(全文更新)狐罂,全球第一杀手组织头牌,杀手界女王,同样她还是医学界的神。一场背叛让这个传奇般的人陨落于世,风千樱,音灵大陆天音国风府大小姐,出了名的“废材”“花痴”,只因有着太子妃的名号,被庶妹下药毒打致死。一朝穿越,当强者之魂进入弱者之躯,看她如何掀起风浪。修炼,炼丹,炼器,契约魔兽…统统不在话下。她带着宝宝闯天下…他,容貌绝色堪称妖孽,传言鬼王腹黑,残忍,嗜血,丑陋,不近女色…初见,他因毒发在水池里调息,她为压制媚毒进入了水池,将他当做解药解了媚毒,她为他压制了身体里的毒。吃干抹净后交换了双方的玉佩,从此他们的命运便连在一起了。多年后带着一对萌宝回归,又将引发怎样的故事…A Skinful of Shadows
A Skinful of Shadows is a dark YA historical fantasy set in the early part of the English Civil War. Makepeace is an illegitimate daughter of the aristocratic Fellmotte family, and as such, she shares their unique hereditary gift: the capacity to be possessed by ghosts. Reluctant to accept her appointed destiny as vessel for a coterie of her ancestors, she escapes. As she flees the pursuing Fellmottes across war-torn England, she accumulates a motley crew of her own allies, including outcasts, misfits, criminals, and one extremely angry dead bear. From Costa Book of the Year winner Frances Hardinge comes a new dark historical fantasy that's sure to satisfy her leagues of fans who are eager for more. ?