走进如歌的生命,走过诗意的青春。曾几何时,我们叹息时光的飞逝,叹惋落日的凄美,却任凭美好从身边转瞬即逝。不是青春短暂、岁月苍白,而是我们不曾将它涂上丰富的色彩。何不于喧闹中体会宁静,于繁杂中感受简约,以平静的心情看待得失,以良好的心态面对功利,“不以物喜,不以己悲”才是人生之大境界。Dr. Critchlore's School for Minions (#1)
Welcome to Dr. Critchlore's School for Minions, the premier trainer of minions for Evil Overlords everywhere. No student is prouder to be at Dr. Critchlore's than Runt Higgins, a twelve-year-old werewolf. (At least he thinks he's twelve. He was abandoned at the school as a baby, so he can't say for sure.) Runt loves everything about Dr. Critchlore's. He loves his classes—such as History of Henchmen and Introduction to Explosives. He loves his friends—such as Darthin the gargoyle and Syke the tree nymph. And he loves his foster family, who took him in when his wolf pack couldn't. But not everyone loves Dr. Critchlore's as much as Runt. After a series of disasters, each worse than the next, it's clear that someone is trying to shut the school down. It's up to Runt, who knows the place better than anybody, to figure out who's behind the attacks … and to save his home, and Dr. Critchlore himself, from total destruction.