【本文女扮男装,穿越重生,温馨治愈,甜宠无虐,欢迎跳坑】穿越千年寻梦人遇到重生傲娇摄政王,一个不懂爱,一个不想爱。当他邀请女扮男装的她一起扮演断袖,是会假戏真做,还是会假戏真做,还是会假戏真做?***人间有情苦,难做痴情人。不知何时,人间多了一家叫“牵情阁”的店铺,号称什么生意都做,无论妖魔鬼怪、人神精灵都接待,有情人分文不取。阁中琴、棋、书、画四位公子各有风姿,亦各有所长。只是这店铺出现得太过诡异,无人敢做出头之鸟。一场掏心命案,牵情阁名声大噪,引来诸多目光,摄政王萧煜因此与烟琴公子——楼半夏相识,自此纠缠不清。情相牵,意缠绵,恩如山重,义薄云天。他们的故事,或艳若桃李芳菲,或炫如金玉燃焰,或素如梨花淡妆,皆是人间风景。***【不能好好聊天系列】萧煜(望月亮):阿琴,见不到你,我的世界天都黑了。楼半夏:废话,你每次都到天黑才回自己家!萧煜(深情款款):阿琴,只要能和你在一起,断袖我也认了。楼半夏:真可惜,你若断袖,与我注定无缘。萧煜(抱枕头):阿琴,天寒地冻,不如我给你暖床啊。楼半夏:滚!***【傲娇病系列】萧煜(摔奏本):来个人,给本王去瞧瞧烟琴来了没。小厮:回禀王爷,烟琴公子正在来王府的路上。萧煜(唇角微勾):哼!算她有良心。侍婢(匆匆跑来):王爷,烟琴公子路过王府,往侯府去了……萧煜(拍桌子):想来本王许久没有去侯府了,也该去拜访拜访了。***【互相卖骚系列】某女:你靠我这么近干什么?某男:最近本王学了一个新词,叫做壁咚。某女:……你这个不标准,我来教你一个新的动作——床咚!某男:唉哟好害羞哦,坏人!某女:……The Sexual Life of Catherine M.
A national best-seller that was featured on such lists as The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, The Boston Globe, and Publishers Weekly, The Sexual Life of Catherine M. was the controversial sleeper hit of the year. Since her youth, Catherine Millet, the eminent editor of Art Press, has led an extraordinarily active and free sexual life -- from al fresco encounters in Italy to a gang bang on the edge of the Bois du Boulogne to a high-class orgy at a chichi Parisian restaurant. A graphic account of sex stripped of sentiment, of a life of physical gratification and a relentlessly honest look at the consequences -- both liberating and otherwise -- have created this candid, powerful, and deeply intelligent depiction of unfettered sexuality.