Who Goes There?
A distant, remote scientific expedition taking place at the North Pole is invaded by a space alien who has reawakened after lying dormant for centuries after a crash landing. A cunning, intelligent alien who can shape-shift, thereby assuming the personality and form of anything and anyone it destroys. Soon, it is among the men of the expedition, killing each in turn and replacing them by assuming their shape, lulling the scientists one by one into inattention (and trust) and eventually, their destruction. The shape-shifting, transformed alien can pass every effort at detection, and the expedition seems doomed until the scientists discover the secret vulnerability of the alien and are able to destroy it.灾害对策全书
《灾害对策全书》是在四川省社会科学院与兵库 震灾纪念21世纪研究机构共同设立的翻译编辑委员会 的指导下,结合中国的灾害特点与行之有效的防灾对 策,从日语版的《灾害对策全书》全四卷中精选了39 篇文章翻译,集成一册。 《灾害对策全书》包含了应对灾害所需的法律、 政策、方针,各种应对手段和工作流程,防灾教育和 防灾文化等各个方面,为从事防灾减灾工作人员和研 究者提供参考,是一本结合了理论和实践的综合性的 灾害对策指南。本书是以真实的自然灾害为案例,对 灾后经验教训的总结有很强的客观性和针对性,提高 灾害对策的能力,为构建安全与和谐社会有重要的借 鉴意义。