三年前,她是寄人篱下的灰姑娘,被亲生父母抛弃,被养父虐待。三年后,她以国际著名小作家强势回归,不就是被抢了男朋友吗?不就是被人冒名顶替吗?这些她通通都要全部要一点点拿回来!厉昊宸讽刺道:“白颜玥,三年了,蛇蝎心肠的你终于回来了?”白颜玥冷笑一下回答道:“托你的福!”厉昊宸威胁道:“那你把你三年来欠我的通通还给我,不然我会让你生不如死!”The Piano Teacher
The most popular work from provocative Austrian Nobel laureate Elfriede Jelinek, The Piano Teacher is a searing portrait of a woman bound between a repressive society and her darkest desires. Erika Kohut is a piano teacher at the prestigious and formal Vienna Conservatory, who still lives with her domineering and possessive mother. Her life appears boring, but Erika, a quiet thirty-eight-year-old, secretly visits Turkish peep shows at night and watched sadomasochistic films. Meanwhile, a handsome, self-absorbed, seventeen-year-old student has become enamored with Erika and sets out to seduce her. She resists him at firstbut then the dark passions roiling under the piano teacher's subdued exterior explode in a release of perversity, violence, and degradation.