在《王子苏亚历险记》系列一中,为了让后代不致灭亡,我们的战士——超级英雄苏亚王子漫游在时间长河中,坚定不移地在宇宙的每一个角落找寻爱与正义的真谛。在这场凶险的旅途中,王子不得不孤身一人,与藏身宇宙深处的黑魔法大师、以及一整个科技先进的外星种族进行战斗。在这场惊心动魄的冒险里,苏亚除了要和时间赛跑、争分夺秒的拯救自己的后代外,还得和过去经历的梦魇作斗争,以防它从生命中偷走自己的爱人。在独自和黑魔法大师、自身命运以及众多敌人斗争的过程中,苏亚的超能力天赋得到了极致的成长……Honey and Jam
In the tradition of cooking with each season's bounty, Hannah Queen applies the same spirit to her baking, turning out an abundance of fresh cakes, trifles, biscuits, and more. From the citrus of winter to the bright squash of summer, more than 70 classic and modern dessert recipes celebrate locally sourced ingredients. Relish the sweet fruit of the spring with the delectable Rhubarb Custard Cake, and savor the ripe flavors of autumn with the Spiced Pumpkin Cupcakes with Bourbon Buttercream. The wide range of flavors and recipes for year-round baking ensure you will never tire of these fresh indulgences. Featuring Queen's rich photography throughout, Honey and Jam not only showcases a collection of rustic desserts, but also captures the sprawling forests and farmlands of Blue Ridge, anchoring each recipe in the backdrop of the Southern Appalachian Mountains.