
第5章 The Lagoon(4)

"There's no worse enemy and no better friend than a brother, Tuan, for one brother knows another, and in perfect knowledge is strength for good or evil. I loved my brother. I went to him and told him that I could see nothing but one face, hear nothing but one voice. He told me:'Open your heart so that she can see what is in it-and wait. Patience is wisdom. Inchi Midah may die or our Ruler may throw off his fear of a woman!'… I waited… You remember the lady with the veiled face, Tuan, and the fear of our Ruler before her cunning and temper. And if she wanted her servant, what could I do? But I fed the hunger of my heart on short glances and stealthy words. I loitered on the path to the bathhouses in the daytime, and when the sun had fallen behind the forest I crept along the jasmine hedges of the women's courtyard. Unseeing, we spoke to one another through the scent of flowers, through the veil of leaves, through the blades of long grass that stood still before our lips;so great was our prudence, so faint was the murmur of our great longing. The time passed swiftly… and there were whispers amongst women-and our enemies watched-my brother was gloomy, and I began to think of killing and of a fierce death… We are of a people who take what they want-like you whites. There is a time when a man should forget loyalty and respect. Might and authority are given to rulers, but to all men is given love and strength and courage. My brother said, 'You shall take her from their midst. We are two who are like one. 'And I answered, 'Let it be soon, for I find no warmth in sunlight that does not shine upon her. 'Our time came when the Ruler and all the great people went to the mouth of the river to fish by torchlight. There were hundreds of boats, and on the white sand, between the water and the forests, dwellings of leaves were builtfor the households of the Rajahs. The smoke of cooking fires was like a blue mist of the evening, and many voices rang in it joyfully. While they were making the boats ready to beat up the fish, my brother came to me and said, 'Tonight!'I looked to my weapons, and when the time came our canoe took its place in the circle of boats carrying the torches. The lights blazed on the water, but behind the boats there was darkness. When the shouting began and the excitement made them like mad we dropped out. The water swallowed our fire, and we floated back to the shore that was dark with only here and there the glimmer of embers. We could hear the talk of slave girls amongst the sheds. Then we found a place deserted and silent. We waited there. She came. She came running along the shore, rapid and leaving no trace, like a leaf driven by the wind into the sea. My brother said gloomily, 'Go and take her;carry her into our boat. 'I lifted her in my arms. She panted. Her heart was beating against my breast. I said, 'I take you from those people. You came to the cry of my heart, but my arms take you into my boat against the will of the great!''It is right, 'said my brother. 'We are men who take what we want and can hold it against many. We should have taken her in daylight. 'I said, 'Let us be off';for since she was in my boat I began to think of our Ruler's many men. 'Yes. Let us be off, 'said my brother. 'We are cast out and this boat is our country now-and the sea is our refuge. 'He lingered with his foot on the shore, and I entreated him to hasten, for I remembered the strokes of her heart against my breast and thought that two men cannot withstand a hundred. We left, paddling downstream close to the bank;and as we passed by the creek where they were fishing, the great shouting had ceased, but the murmur of voices was loud like the humming of insects flying at noonday. The boats floated, clustered together, in the red light of torches, under a black roof of smoke;and men talked of their sport. Men that boasted, and praised, and jeered-men that would have been our friends in the morning, but on that night were already our enemies. We paddled swiftly past. We had not more friends in the country of our birth. She sat in the middle of the canoe with covered face;silent as she isnow;unseeing as she is now-and I had no regret at what I was leaving because I could hear her breathing close to me-as I can hear her now. "

He paused, listened with his ear turned to the doorway, then shook his head and went on:

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    《贝斯特英语·从零开始学英语:速成英语发音王》是一本由基础音标学起的初级英语口语书,供未接触过英语或学过英语而荒废了多年的人使用。从成人学英语的实际出发,语言深入浅出,内容简单、实用。 教材部分融视、听、说为一体。本书包含5大学习阶段(第一部分整装待发:零起点学发音;第二部分大步前进:掌握发音奥妙;第三部分初有成效:速学高频句型;第四部分大有收获:快知天下;第五部分 脱口而出:交流无障碍。)
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