这本“词典”有近千个词条,包括哲学、科学、文学、医学、宗教、生活领域的方方面面,赋予现代词汇全新的诠释与内涵。 这是一个医生放下手术刀,在工作之余、旅途之中执笔剖析诊治社会病症之作,是一个医生对社会、人、事物的一种另类思考和感悟。一种后现代文化与智慧的表达,一种脱俗的、似不经意的,更是深刻、泼辣的理性认识。它也许是一种调侃,却绝非庸俗的黑色、灰色或黄色幽默。它可能看似怪异,却着力维护人性,维护真、善、美,揭露虚伪、空话、大话、套话的假、恶、丑,用意在于分清是非,明辨荣辱。The Inside Story (Sisters Grimm #8)
After the shocking ending of The Everafter War, this book picks up with Sabrina, Daphne, and Puck stuck in the Book of Everafter, where all the fairy tales are stored and enchanted characters can change their destinies. The girls (and Puck) must chase the Master through a series of stories, where they're willing to change what they need in order to save their baby brother. Soon, however, they are confronted by the Editor—the book's guardian—who, along with an army of tiny monsters known as Revisers, threatens the children with dire consequences if they don't stick to the stories. As they chase their quarry and dodge the Revisers, they meet Alice, Mowgli, Jack the Giant Killer, Hansel and Gretel, the Headless Horseman, and more.