【】【女总统的明星老公】请多多关注叶莱西火了···她没偷,没抢,没烧她们家的房子,干嘛一副仇人像····什么什么?只因为她长的太过丰满像个小三?妹的,你们家才是小三,你们全家都是小三···就在闹得不可开交的时候···天神级的人物从天而降···为她解围···斯斯文文···被人夸赞····老妈则是站在一边吼着,也拉稀,你要是不跟这个男人结婚,老娘这辈子的脸算是被你丢尽了····叶莱西看着戴着黑边眼镜,笑的文质彬彬的男人,恨不得杀人。谣传她是他的女人。她跟他在一起了。说话拽文,拽词。虽然是帅哥,但是,她咋看着都想要抽他。处处她都受排挤,受打压。村子里的姑娘们见了更是爱傻了这个斯文的帅哥。他就像是一枚空投的炸弹。整个村子不得安宁。他不是普通的男人,她知道。但是,当他跟她摊牌的时候。她还是汗颜了一把。感情这男人是个军火头子。黑道总裁。她遇上极品了。更甚的是,那双摘掉眼镜后的眸子.........【本文女强,男更强。】————————————————特别推荐区:【一等刁妃】夏嬷嬷(刁女斗古代众男)陈子衿,恶劣警花,阴狠毒辣。上官子衿,京城恶霸,人见人怕。两种极端性格的结合,她变成了她。宁我负天下人,休叫天下人负我。【推荐区】【市长的强势老婆】笔下生花【邪医毒妃】墨邪尘【竹马赖青梅】夏日寒阳【嗜血狂后】三昧水忏【教授真禽授】裴歆【末世之妖孽法则】闲看风云【坏男人-别追了】邪魅书生-现代【高官老公,你太坏】暮阳初春【老公,假斯文】烟然心醉【丑女戏邪君】烟然心醉【重生之极品间谍】亦弈变【妃常猖狂】伊洛蔓【兽宠无赖娘子】伊洛蔓【上校爹地,耍流氓】蝶恋花花恋蕊在移动手机阅读平台上使用的名称为《老公不要装斯文》The Peculiars
This dark and thrilling adventure, with an unforgettable heroine, will captivate fans of steampunk, fantasy, and romance. On her 18th birthday, Lena Mattacascar decides to search for her father, who disappeared into the northern wilderness of Scree when Lena was young. Scree is inhabited by Peculiars, people whose unusual characteristics make them unacceptable to modern society. Lena wonders if her father is the source of her own extraordinary characteristics and if she, too, is Peculiar. On the train she meets a young librarian, Jimson Quiggley, who is traveling to a town on the edge of Scree to work in the home and library of the inventor Mr. Beasley. The train is stopped by men being chased by the handsome young marshal Thomas Saltre. When Saltre learns who Lena's father is, he convinces her to spy on Mr. Beasley and the strange folk who disappear into his home, Zephyr House. A daring escape in an aerocopter leads Lena into the wilds of Scree to confront her deepest fears.萌徒追妻:梦魇除妖师
眼见一美男差点命丧车轮之下,她一好心将某男救下,却不小心开启了一场萌徒追师之路。只是这男徒弟平日里看起来一本正经,对她细心体贴、无微不至,可是为啥她悄悄进入他梦里的时候……看见的场景却有些不对劲?!并且这梦的女主角竟然是她,而男主角是他自己!“我们已经断绝师徒关系,你不用再回来了。”她被某徒弟逼得连连后退。(呆萌?腹黑?)徒弟笑道:“你不想继续师徒关系,那我们换一个关系好了?”To the Ends of the Earth
This is a one-volume edition of this classic sequence of sea novels set in the early nineteenth century, about a voyage from England to Australia. Rites of Passage (Winner of the Booker Prize) "e;The work of a master at the full stretch of his age and wisdom."e; (The Times Close Quarters). "e;A feat of imaginative reconstruction, as vivid as a dream."e; (Daily Mail Fire Down Below). "e;Laden to the waterline with a rich cargo of practicalities and poetry, pain and hilarity, drama and exaltation."e; (Sunday Times).