古往今来,那些脍炙人口的对联里不乏这样的例子:它们蕴含了人们的智慧和机敏,又于机敏中见诙谐,蕴意丰富,用词巧妙,语言文化史上的宝贵财富。这本书讲的就是产生这些妙对的著名的背景故事,有:乾隆留步金山寺、妙对六榕寺、小文玉巧联解姓等,除了介绍这些经典故事,书中还汇集了许多诗句中的妙联佳对,让读者饱览无余。Been There, Run That
"This is what I want for entrepreneurs, especially for women: to believe in themselves, to dream bigger, reach higher, and to achieve success beyond their wildest expectations." —Kay KoplovitzBeen There, Run That is an anthology of blog posts by thought leaders in technology, media, e-commerce and life sciences, curated by Kay Koplovitz, founder of USA Network and chairman of Springboard Enterprises.In 2000, Koplovitz co-founded Springboard as an accelerator for an expert network of women entrepreneurs. In their first six months, Springboard companies raised over $165 million in total funding, and nearly $200 million in their first year.