男女主双重生,女主带着快穿系统回来,得知前世联合女二害死自己的二世祖也重生了,她一边隐藏自己重生的事实装疯卖傻,还要找那些害了她的人报仇。在男主眼中,女主就是个恶毒的黑心女炮灰。在女主的眼中,男主就是个人傻钱多纨绔子弟的典型代表。不过他们都有统一的敌人,女二。别以为这样他们就会握手言和,呵呵,朋友什么的宁缺毋滥。本文YY向,小白文,轻搞笑,吐槽风,请不要对本文抱有太高期望,不适者请绕行,作者有颗七彩琉璃玻璃心易碎,一拍就炸,谢谢合作。The Voyeur
Mathias, a timorous, ineffectual traveling salesman, returns to the island of his birth after a long absence. Two days later, a thirteen-year-old girl is found drowned and mutilated. With eerie precision, Robbe-Grillet puts us at the scene of the crime and takes us inside Mathias's mind, artfully enlisting us as detective hot on the trail of a homocidal maniac. A triumphant display of the techniques of the new novel, The Voyeur achieves the impossible feat of keeping us utterly engrossed in the mystery of the child's murder while systematically raising doubts about whether it really occurred.案件与刑律历史纵横谈