午夜心跳,office离魂实录.不可终结的秉烛夜谈,等你来参加。 身临其境的感觉、凄婉的情感、恐怖的气氛、悬念重重的故事,就藏匿在我们身边……救赎(犯罪悬疑小说馆)
一起扑朔迷离的强奸,一幕偷天换日的阴谋。小警察陷入黑社会精心设计的桃色陷阱,因“强奸”被抓。强奸案背后隐藏着惊天秘密,案中案一个接一个,关键人物或离奇失踪或相继死亡,所有的线索全部被一只神秘的手掐断了。小警察在看守所差点被“做掉”,为破案他不惜越狱,却发现娇妻已落入黑老大怀抱。公安局副局长陈虎投靠了黑老大刘天龙,新任局长腹背受敌。正义与邪恶的交锋,情场、官场、法场各种角色演绎出黑道、白道与红道的激情对抗,情场迷雾重重、官场勾心斗角、法场黑哨频吹,精彩纷呈。小警察的命运如何?他们将怎样展开救赎?案件扑朔迷离,情节错综复杂,引人入胜。Cause to Save (An Avery Black Mystery—Book 5)
"A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go."--Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone)From #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense: CAUSE TO SAVE (An Avery Black Mystery—Book 5)—the final installment in the Avery Black series.In the epic finale of the Avery Black series, serial killer Howard Randall has escaped, and the entire city of Boston is on edge. Women are turning up gruesomely murdered, and everyone suspects Howard is at it again.When Boston's most brilliant and controversial homicide detective—Avery Black—is herself stalked—and when people close to her are brutally killed, one by one—it seems the city's worst fears are confirmed.But Avery is not so sure. The murders remind her of something she once saw in her past. They remind her of something too close to her heart—something that had to do with a secret she thought she had buried long ago….