本书讲述了二战爆发后,日本在发动珍珠港事变后,为彻底打败美国海军,发动了中途岛海战,结果阴差阳错,由于指挥失误,遭到惨败,从而使太平洋战场遭到逆转的过程。本书对海战原因、经过及最终结局均作了细致描写。Sweeney Astray
Sweeney Astray is Seamus Heaney's version of the medieval Irish work Buile Suibhne - the first complete translation since 1913. Its hero, Mad Sweeney, undergoes a series of purgatorial adventures after he is cursed by a saint and turned into a bird at the Battle of Moira. The poetry spoken by the mad king, exiled to the trees and the slopes, is among the richest and most immediately appealing in the whole canon of Gaelic literature. Sweeney Astray not only restores to us a work of historical and literary importance but offers the genius of one of our greatest living poets to reinforce its claims on the reader of contemporary literature.浙中王学研究(阳明学研究丛书)